juniverse.org JOrganizer
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Use the Google search in the JOrganizer
Setup the Google Web Service API
From the JOrganizer homepage you can search directly in Google. To do this, you have to configure this feature.
Please open <webapps>/jorganizer/WEB-INF/classes/JOrganizer.properties with your favorite text editor. Here you can define the following properties:
  • google.key - the license key for the google search (please read "How to get a Google-license-key").
  • google.useproxy - define if you use a proxy or not(true or false)
  • google.proxy.name - Name of the proxyserver you use (only needed if google.useproxy == true)
  • google.proxy.port - Port of the proxy you use (only needed if google.useproxy == true; only numeric values!)

How to get a Google-license-key:
You can get a license-key for free at http://www.google.com/apis. This key allows you to run 1000 querys/day.