Struts is an Open Source MVC Framework and an defacto standard. Struts is released under the Apache license.
Castor is a Object-Rational-Mapping tool, which allows you to map Java objects to databases and XML files. Castor
is released under a Apache-style license.
mySQL is the most populare Open Source database und is released under the GPL.
Tomcat is a Servlet/JSP Container and the reference implementation of this technologie. Since it's a Apache project
it is released under the Apache License.
Google provieds a number of APIs (Java, Perl, VB.NET, C#) that have access to the Google Web Services.
You can find information about this APIs here:
One the homepage of the xml.apache.org project you can find many different (and populare) XML APIs like Xerces, Xalan, Crimson, Batik, ...
http://xml.apache.org - here you can find many different XML APIs for DOM, SAX, XSLT, XSL-FO and many more.
Open Symphony host many different projects. There project RichTags provide a JSP-Tag-Lib, that create's GUI components inside
the browser using dhtml and JavaScript.
Eclipse is a Open Source Java IDE
EasyStruts is a Eclipse PlugIn for fast Struts development. With it, you can easily create ActionForms, Actions and manipulate
the configuration files of Struts.
Ant is the defacto standard build tool for Java.